Dr. Diana Hoppe, Founder of Amazing Over 40
Dr. Diana Hoppe is a board certified OB/GYN with over 25 years [...]
Why Invest in Art, with Lisane Basquiat
Felena Hanson, Hera Hub’s founder, talks with Lisane Basquiat [...]
A Perfectly Imperfect Mission to Improve Relationships Through Art
In celebration of National Creativity Day, we are [...]
World Day for Cultural Diversity, for Dialogue and Development – May 21, 2022
Felena Hanson interviewed two Hera Hub members on this [...]
Celebrating Small Business Week & Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month
May is Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month and May 2nd-7th [...]
Digital Learning Day, February 22, 2022
While online learning has been around for decades, the [...]
Startup Story with Angela Marino
Hera Hub is excited to share Startup Stories from [...]
Former Wall Street Exec, Roni Mcguire, Turned Business Coach
Roni, founder of Shine On And Glow, is a [...]
Group Discussion on Anxiety with Elle Burkhart
Rates of childhood mental health concerns were already steadily [...]
Bring Your Vision Board To Life With The Motifesting™ Method!
Dreams do come true! So how do we bring [...]
Celebrating National Young Readers Week by Using Stories to Solve Problems
It’s National Young Readers Week! To celebrate, we are [...]
International Accounting Day – November 10th
There are over 1,076,179 Accountants currently employed in the [...]