Business Boosters
Business Boosters are a one-hour weekly facilitated discussion on a pertinent business topic. The conversation is hosted by a fellow Hera Hub member on an area of their expertise. It is a great way for the host to gain exposure within the community on their skill set and business, as well as practice their presentation and facilitation skills in a safe space. Business Boosters are one of the best ways for members to learn entrepreneurial and self-growth tools and stay “up-to-date” on important business topics. They are also the easiest way for members to meet one another and build new relationships.
Past Business Booster topics: budgeting, LinkedIn, branding, filing trademarks, Instagram, negotiations, CRM software, legal updates, and more.

Feedback Fridays
Feedback Fridays gives members the opportunity to receive constructive feedback on their digital footprints from experts within our global community. Every week, a different featured member-expert screen-shares each participant’s digital materials and provides real-time feedback on what the participant can do to improve. Sharing all of the screen(s) and the feedback with the entire group has the dual result of helping participants learn from each others’ audits, while giving the host additional opportunities to showcase their knowledge in the Hera Hub community. Some recent Feedback Friday audit topics: LinkedIn profile, Instagram branding, SEO, customer review management, business Facebook profile, and website build-out.
Monthly Happy Hours and Lunches
Every month, members have an opportunity to network and connect with other at either our member-only Happy Hour or Lunch (alternates monthly). Food and drink are provided, which is a bonus perk of being a member! We like to mix things up with these monthly events, planning some in our space and some at outside venues. In addition to our bi-annual Business Acceleration Expo and annual Hera Heroine Awards and Thanksgiving Potluck, here are some examples of our recent monthly events:
- Blind Wine Tasting
- Seaside Happy Hour at the Cape Rey Hotel
- Salsa Dancing Lessons
- Dinner at Mendocino Farms
- Family Game Night

Global Sub-Hubs
Sub-Hubs are groups of Hera Hub members nationwide who meet regularly to share resources and support each other. Some Sub-Hubs are industry-specific, others have risen from common interests or goals, while others are based on the phase of business shared by the members. Each Sub-Hub has a private Facebook group for the sharing of resources, discussion, and events. Sub-Hubs are member-led; the members of each group decide upon the format and structure of the meetings, which may be in-person or virtual. New members are always welcome, as are suggestions for new Sub-Hubs. Hera Hub’s current portfolio of Global Sub-Hubs includes:

Coaches Sub-Hub – all types of coaches as well as any members who work regularly with clients in a one-on-one capacity
Sales Support Sub-Hub – open to any members who are seeking support and accountability in making sales and closing deals
Marketing Sub-Hub – open to members in marketing-related fields as well as those who are focused on marketing their own businesses
From Solo[preneur] to Scaled Sub-Hub – for members who have scaled their businesses and are hiring team members – or who plan to do so in the foreseeable future
Co-Conspirators Sub-Hub – for members who want to learn from, discuss with, and support each other in the pursuit of being actively anti-racist
Mindful Mondays
Every Monday, we tap our member base for coaches, instructors, and counselors to lead a 20-minute mindfulness exercise to center ourselves and mentally prepare for the coming week. Through meditation, breathwork, and even sound healing, we gather together to begin the week as a community with our intentions firmly in place.

Virtual Coworking
Hera Hub is the first international female-focused coworking space, so it makes sense that in a post-COVID world, coworking would still be alive and well. Both virtually and in-person, we remain committed to our members’ ability to work. Hera Hub provides daily chunks of time in which members are invited to sign on, say hello, set forth their goals, and work in 25-min “Pomodoro” intervals to be productive and briefly check in with each other. Having these predesignated Virtual Coworking appointments set aside on their calendars to accomplish their tasks has proven to be an effective productivity and time management technique for many of our members in all walks of life.
Biz Dev Power Hour
Entrepreneurs wear many hats. One hat that often gets shoved to the back of the closet is “sales”, or as we prefer to call it… “business development”. Every week, Hera Hub members come together weekly to share, collaborate and work on specific business development goals in a supportive setting. Members attend seeking strategies and tactics that increase opportunities for upleveling their messaging, reaching their target audience, creating a sales cycle, aligning with strategic alliances and more through a mastermind format. They set specific business development goals at the end so they stay committed to working ON their business instead of just IN their business.

Global Challenges
Hera Hub hosts several Global Challenges throughout the year, focusing on the all-important goal of working “on” your business versus “in” your business. Challenge themes include Video, Marketing, Writing, and Sales, and the duration of each ranges from 1 to 8 weeks depends on the theme. Each Challenge is conducted through a private Facebook group through which participating members are encouraged to introduce themselves and their businesses, seek support for their goals, and share wins. Not only do our Global Challenges provide the accountability that entrepreneurs need to move their businesses forward, but they are a wonderful opportunity for members in other locations to get to know each others’ businesses and connect.
Book Club
Hera Hub Carlsbad members have organized a Book Club for self-improvement, empowerment, leadership and business reads. Members nominate and vote on each book, and all in the community are welcome to attend. The Book Club gives our community the opportunity to get to know each better, expand their horizons, and have insightful and thought-provoking conversations on engaging topics relevant to like-minded women.

Writers’ Lounge: Eat, Chat, Work
If you have been putting off writing that blog, book, bio, web or sales copy, Writers’ Lounge is the perfect solution to setting time aside to get these writing goals accomplished. Hera Hub’s Writers’ Lounge is a way to carve out time and space to write in a comfortable, supportive environment with a sense of accountability. This weekly event is designed for ALL members who need to do writing or work on projects of any kind. Hosted for a 2-hour block during noon weekly, we encourage our members to bring their lunches and laptops into the conference room, catch up with one another, bounce ideas off the group, and get some work done. From full-time authors to business bloggers to the everyday entrepreneur, everyone can benefit from attending!
Get $h!t Done Day
Every last Friday of the month, our conference room is reserved for members to get their $h!t done! We started this event as a direct response to our members’ needs. As we approached the end of each month, many of our members were stressed about how much they had to accomplish before the close of the month. Get $h!t Done Day gives them the perfect environment to complete their tasks; the conference room is all theirs to occupy for focused, quiet work only. Members are encouraged to write their to-do list on the white board and check off their tasks as they complete them. Coffee is brewed and brain food, aka munchies, are provided. The day typically concludes with a celebratory (optional) glass of wine!

Think Tank
In addition to networking, some of our larger events give one or two members an opportunity to tap into the perspective of the crowd on a new business concept or pivot. The “featured” members are allotted three minutes to explain their concepts or ideas to the community. They then elicit feedback through their own a written survey comprised of three specific questions. Members use Think Tank to obtain high level feedback on target markets, pricing strategies, potential strategic alliances, and gauge interest before setting up additional focus groups.
Plus Programs
While Hera Hub membership offers a great deal of support through weekly and regular events, we recognize that members may need additional assistance as they launch and grow their businesses. Our “PLUS” programs offer one-on-one support sessions, which can be leveraged on a one-time basis or monthly/ongoing basis. Each session is just a $99 add-on to the member’s membership. Learn more
Plus program examples:
Framework – How do I know if I have a viable business concept?
Foundation – How do I build a solid platform for my business? (using the platform)
Financial Modeling – How can I build a profitable venture?
Goal Setting and Accountability – How do I make sure I stay on track?
Workshop Success Fundamentals – How can I get butts in seats at my next workshop?


Hera Hub GURUs are subject matter experts who donate their time to meet one-on-one with both members and non-members to answer questions they may have on a variety of topics related to their field. We have GURUS in a variety of fields, including Marketing, Branding, Finance, Taxes, Law, Human Resources, Grant Funding and more.
Think of it like “office hours” with your professor. GURU hours are a wonderful way to get free advice from business experts. You can drop by Hera Hub during the posted GURU hours, or contact the GURU in advance to make an appointment. Check our calendar to meet with our GURUs.
Learn more about our GURU program via this short video.
Business Acceleration Expo & Open House

Art Gallery and Art Receptions
Hera Hub Carlsbad is proud to support local female artists by displaying their work for several months throughout our space. We host a formal opening reception shortly after each exhibition is installed. This evening event is open to the public and gives the local community the opportunity to meet and interact with the artist(s). All of the artwork is for sale and is available to be viewed Monday – Friday from 9am – 5pm. Stay tuned for our new page featuring our currently featured artists and their works available to purchase at Hera Hub!
Self Care Series for Entrepreneurs
This monthly event is headlined by engaging and inspiring speakers in the fields of holistic health, emotional wellness, spirituality, mindset, and more. The series is the brainchild of Hera Hub Carlsbad Owner Lisane Basquiat and EPIC North County Magazine Publisher Virginia Rodriguez, designed to provide fellow North County entrepreneurs with tools and techniques to decrease burnout and increase well-being. The fun evening program includes refreshments, and all proceeds go to a local nonprofit organization. Learn more about upcoming events in the series on the Self Care Series website.

Strategic Planning Day
This 8 hour workshop will help you build a visual road-map for the next 12 months… to think bigger and identify the resources you need to make your goals a reality. Open to both members and non-members.
The workshop is for women who:
• Find it challenging to carve out the time to really build a strategic plan
• Want some guidance on next steps and future direction
• Are ready to take their business to the next level!
Get first-hand experience from past participants – watch this video.