Hera Hub GURUS are subject matter experts who donate their time to meet one-on-one with local entrepreneurs (members and non-members welcome) to answer questions they may have on a variety of topics related to their field. We have GURUS in a variety of fields, including Law, Accounting, IT and Marketing. Think of it like “office hours” with your professor. It’s a great way to get free mentoring and advice from business experts. Just drop by during the posted GURU hours, no appointment necessary! View GURUS at each location by going to www.herahub.com/locations.

Book: Flight Club – Rebel, Reinvent, and Thrive: How to Launch Your Dream Business
Want to launch a business but not sure where to begin? Felena Hanson, founder of Hera Hub, shares her personal story and rise to entrepreneurship. The book also features the journeys of and advice from six courageous female entrepreneurs: Debby Eubank, Linda O’Keefe, Lorin Beller, Sara Clark-Williams, Deirdre Maloney, and MaryCay Durrant. Each shares an exercise to help you craft your flight path. The final section of the book includes access to an online platform (www.StepsToStartup.com) which walks you through 17 foundational steps of launching a business. Book buyers will receive three months free access!
Learn more at www.FlightClubBook.com or purchase on Amazon.com – http://amzn.com/0692674691
48-Hour Business Launch Bootcamp
Have you always wanted to start a business but want support to make sure you get off to a great start? Do you have a great idea for an additional business but can’t find the time to flesh out the concept? Then the 48-Hour Business Launch Bootcamp was made for you! A full weekend of hashing out every component of starting your dream business. We will provide the perfect space, templates, and a safe/supportive community for you to get your ideas in motion. Better than a business plan, we will use the www.StepsToStartup.com online platform to walk you through the 17-steps to building the foundation of your business. This includes concept testing, operations, financials, marketing and more! Check Hera Hub locations for dates in your area.

Writers’ Lounge (any stage of business)
If you have been putting off writing that blog, book, or bio the Writers’ Lounge is the perfect place to stop procrastinating and start writing. Hera Hub’s Writers’ Lounge is all about productivity! It’s simply a way to carve out time and space to write in a comfortable, supportive environment with a sense of accountability.
While the Lounge is led by one of the professional writers in the community (AKA the “Host), it is designed for ALL members who need to do writing of any kind. From full-time authors to business bloggers to the everyday entrepreneur, everyone can benefit from attending the Writers’ Lounge. If you want weekly accountability or occasional support during crunch time, the Writers’ Lounge is here for you! Turn off all the distractions, stop procrastinating and write!