We are thrilled and proud to announce that San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer presented Dr. Silvia Mah a $30,000 grant for Hera Labs, the non-profit business accelerator for female entrepreneurs.

Dr. Mah, the founder of Hera Labs, said that, “women contribute significantly to San Diego’s startup ecosystem and we’re honored that the City of San Diego is helping to sustain and grow opportunities for female-led startups.”

Mayor Faulconer presented the grant last night at our Sorrento Valley location. “This grant will honor Hera Labs and the female entrepreneurs that Hera Labs has helped and will help int the future,” he said. “Having the network of support that Hera Labs has will give our female entrepreneurs that already start businesses here in San Diego the head start and the advantage they need to grow.”

The grant will allow Hera Labs to continue its mission of educating, advocating and empowering San Diego women to launch or scale their businesses.

On September 17, 2016, Hera Labs will co-host, along with sister organizations, Hera Hub, Hera Angels and Hera Fund, the second annual Hera Venture Summit. The purpose of this event is to connect female angel investors with female founders. Felena sat down with Dr. Mah to discuss the importance of support for female founders.

The grant presentation was captured live on the Hera Labs Facebook Page. To date, Hera Labs has helped launch more than 70 startups, grow more than 100 small businesses, and create more than 80 jobs in San Diego. Tickets are still available for Hera Venture Summit. The goal of this one-day event is to build bridges between female founders and funders from the CaliBaja region. To see the full schedule visit heraventuresummit.com