2019 Strategic Planning Day | Hera Hub Phoenix & Hera Hub San Diego

As 2018 comes to an end this is the perfect time for a planning day that allows business owners the opportunity to review what happened this year and plan for the upcoming year. Hera Hub will host Strategic Planning days in Phoenix and San Diego to help business owners carve out time and space to work on their business.

The workshop is for those who:

  • Find it challenging to carve out the time to “really” build a strategic plan
  • Want some guidance on next steps and future direction
  • Are ready to take their business to the next level!

Participants must have an existing business (beyond ideation) with an understanding of their target customer and a desire to take their business to the next level.

The Strategic Planning Day gives business owners the opportunity to connect with a like-minded community of women who are passionate about making real progress in the upcoming year with an action plan in-hand.

These 12 areas will be covered at the all-day event:

Big Picture Goals – 1 and 5 years
Target Market
Competitive Advantage
Sales Funnel
Marketing Tactics – Weekly Biz Dev/Mktg implementation
Strategic Alliances
Top annual SMART goals – action & resources
Annual Action Calendar
Financial Projections
3-month detailed plan – based on top 3 goals
Accountability group to keep you on track!

“When I founded Adventures by the Book in 2011, I followed a path apparently common to many novice entrepreneurs: I allowed the business to steer me instead of me doing the driving. After four years of steady growth and wonderful expansion opportunities, I realized if I didn’t want to crash, it was time for me to take the wheel. This amazing workshop was specifically designed for businesses like mine that needed a little guidance and the time/space to refocus. We moved, step-by-manageable-step, through the creation a one-year plan that I feel confident about. This hands-on course provides everything a female entrepreneur needs to achieve success! I couldn’t’ be more grateful for the opportunity to jump into the driver’s seat to steer my own course.” – Susan M.

Listen to the first-hand experience from past participants.

Event Details:

Hera Hub Phoenix on Dec. 5th and Hera Hub Sorrento Valley on Dec. 15th.

For more information and to purchase tickets: 

Hera Hub Phoenix | Strategic Action Plan Workshop for the New Year

Hera Hub San Diego | Strategic Action Planning Workshop 2019 Success Roadmap

Still wondering if this is right for you? Check out this video describing the workshop.

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