Author, Shane Snow says, “It doesn’t matter if the glass is half full or half empty if you think you can build a better glass.”

This quote has been an inspiration for me since before I opened Hera Hub DC. Building a coworking environment and community that supported women was certainly a unique idea back in 2013/2014. 

Fast forward to 2020 and the pandemic and we are all working hard to redefine our target customer and make changes to our business models as needed. For example, we have taken all of our programming and member networking events online. 

Armed with new “Customer Rediscovery” information from client and prospective client interviews (see my previous blog “3 Tips to Help you Rediscover Your Customer”), you should have the critical information to help you rework your business model. 

Below are 3 tips to help you with this process:

  1. Lean Canvas Business Model Template – You can use this one pager to guide you through the key elements of outlining your new business model. For example, what are the key problems that you’re helping your customers solve? Who is your specific target market? What are the features and benefits of your products? Why are you uniquely qualified to provide solutions for them? Who is your competition? What are your revenue streams/costs?
  2. Read “Smartcuts” by Shane Snow – You may need a bit of inspiration to think more creatively about your business. Shane’s book is full of stories about successful innovators and how they manage to continually respond to market trends to keep their businesses competitive and relevant.
  3. Find a Trusted Ally – It’s worth it to find someone to work with you on this so you can get other perspectives about your ideas. It’s difficult for us to envision how a substantive change can play out if you are working on it alone. Make certain it’s someone who will give you honest feedback, not just what you want to hear. It helps if they have their own business too since they can relate to the issues you are facing.

So how has the pandemic changed Hera Hub’s business model?

  1. Our programming is more expansive– We now have members from all of our locations sharing their expertise through our Biz Dev Power Hours, Business Boosters, Feedback Friday sessions and sub-hub monthly meetings.
  2. Coast to Coast Networking – One of our biggest bonuses has been that now members from different locations are finding accountability partners, new clients and other supportive connections because we see each other online regularly.
  3. Broadened Our Hera Hub DC Community Accessibility – Members that live a bit too far to attend our programs and events in person are now more easily able to participate, which is a boost for all of us!

So that’s how we are building our “better glass.” 

Do you need support while you’re building your better glass? Send me an email at for more information about joining our growing community and the many programs we offer to help you build your business.

Hear from other Hera Hub Members and their experience.