
Good news ladies! Beyoncé really is right when she says that ,“girls run the world.” Although this statement has not always been true in the past, it’s becoming more and more true in the present. For years, women have been undermining their own abilities to adapt to the male way of doing things. However, times are changing! According to an article written by the University of Southern California’s Marshall School of Business, the number of successful women entrepreneurs has been drastically increasing, “and female small business owners will create an estimated 5 to 5.5 million new jobs nationwide by 2018.”

Women over the last 15 years are founding businesses at a historic rate and are growing by almost double the amount of other small businesses. Women have turned in their jobs attempting to climb the all too limiting corporate ladder and are rewriting business and societal standards. According to USC’s study, 1 in 5 firms making one million dollars or more in revenue is women-owned, which is exciting for all of us, because not only are women altering business standards, but also they are doing it successfully!

This, to me, is so inspiring, because I believe small and independent businesses are so much more meaningful, purposeful, and intentional to clients than larger businesses, and to think that women are leading this field at 1.5 times the rate of other small enterprises encourages me as I begin to study entrepreneurship in college this fall.

Women in this aspect of the business world have so much power to change the world by seeing a problem and coming up with a solution, and that’s why I want to become part of the movement. S,o as we decide to take the leap into the world of small independent business ownership and join all the other successful women entrepreneurs, it’s important to remained empowered and to remember the advice that Marissa Mayer, the CEO of Yahoo, gives: “If you push through that feeling of being scared, that feeling of taking risk, really amazing things can happen.”

tori-hemphill-hera-hubTori Hemphill was a Student Ambassador for Hera Hub this past summer. She was very active in her high school and received numerous academic awards. Tori will be entering California Polytechnic State University-San Luis Obispo in the fall to study entrepreneurship.