Alisa Marie Beyer is an entrepreneur, writer, and business behavior expert. Her latest venture, LemonTree Partners inspires people to discover and trust who they are at their natural best so they can improve and positively impact their workplaces, lives, and relationships.
Alisa now spends her days building high-trust, high-performance teams for entrepreneurs, individual employees, small businesses, and teams within large companies.
To hear the full interview with Alisa, listen below and subscribe to Flight Club here!
Felena Hanson, founder of Hera Hub, interviews incredible business women from a variety of backgrounds and disciplines for Hera Hub’s podcast Flight Club. Giving you a behind-the-scenes look at female entrepreneurship, we focus on sharing backstories of amazing women as they found their “lean out” moment and bravely launched their business. We uncover their secrets to success and their advice to others who are launching a new adventure. Subscribe to Flight Club on iTunes here.
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