Guest Blog by Keasha Lee Ince

Guest Blog on the Hera Herald by Keasha Lee Ince

Blog posts. You understand the power they can have on getting your work ranked higher in Google, building your authority, and reaching ideal clients. However, no matter how many times you tell yourself that all you need to do is set aside “a couple of hours” to write – you still haven’t taken action.

Why does this happen?

Because you’re thinking of blogging in the traditional sense and this freaks you out and keeps you stuck.

Some of the worries that come to mind can sound like:

  • “Will they care about what I have to say about that?”
  • “Am I giving them enough content?”
  • “What if everyone ends up hating me and my ideas?”
  • “But I don’t want to give away too much of my knowledge.”

In this post, I’m going to cover the three areas that are most important in clearing writer’s block and procrastination so you can blog regularly. I know you’ve read this many times but it truly is about your mindset and what your expectations are.

I. Honor Your Creative Process

First of all, you’ve gotta stop with the negative self-talk because it blocks your inspiration and writing is ALL about inspiration. Secondly, it’s important to honor your creative process. It’s unlike anyone else’s and when you attempt to use a process that you think you “should” do, you can feel right away if it’s not you.

Don’t force it.

If you need to stand up, crank up some music and dance…do it. If you feel most creative in a bookstore or coffee shop, then get yourself there! Even if you feel most inspired outside while surfing and jogging, it’s important to follow your instincts.

II. Capture Your Ideas

Sometimes our greatest ideas come at the most inconvenient times. I get many of my best ideas while driving, taking a
shower, or in bed while trying to sleep. This is why I’m a proponent of capturing ideas right away because they are fleeting. You can record a voice memo on your phone, carry a notebook or pad with you and write them out, open up the note feature of your device or another digital option like Evernote or Google Docs to store them in the cloud. Whatever you choose, make sure you get your ideas out right away because you likely won’t remember them later.

III. Keep it Simple and Consistent with a Microblog

Once you have a good grasp on what feeds your creative flow and how to capture those wonderful ideas, now comes the most time-consuming part, just kidding! Blogging doesn’t have to take a ton of time. In fact, the simplest way to get into action is to write a microblog.

A microblog is a long-form social media post that tells a story, teaches something new, and provides a solution – just like a traditional blog post should do. The added benefit is that a microblog can be repurposed to use as content for a video, podcast, email, or long form blog post on your site without feeling daunting.

Pick ONE TOPIC to share from your idea inventory that you saved in section II above. Go to your favorite social media platform (Facebook and Instagram are great for this!) post a high-quality photo or graphic that relates to your topic, and start writing.

Here’s the microblog formula: state the issue, provide your thoughts or experiences, and offer a solution and/or question.

Microblogs are used to build community, connection, and credibility all the time.

And if you ever doubt whether or not you have enough experience to share your thoughts on a particular subject, just remember that you only need to be a few steps (6 months to 1 year) ahead of the people you help to establish authority.

Consistency is the key to standing out online and developing a lasting connection to your audience. Practice means progress and switching up your blog writing process relieves pressure.

Keasha Lee Ince is a Copywriter, Messaging Mentor & Founder of Striking Statements. She helps entrepreneurs, creatives, and brands enhance their message and expand their impact through copy that exudes truth, clarity and connection.

You can learn more about her on Instagram

The post 3 Ways to Remedy Your Writer’s Block and Blog Regularly appeared first on Hera Herald Resource Center.