Ivette Kuyateh is a highly sought after wealth preservation attorney who ensures every client’s short and long term goals are at the forefront of the asset protection strategies she provides.

Ivette is a devoted Christian, wife, #girlmom and mentor to others founded Kuyateh Law Group to focus her advocacy towards serving domestic violence and human trafficking victims, families dealing with family and immigration law issues and empowering others with sound estate planning that protects their assets and peace of mind.

​Often referred to as a “Wonder Woman” both in and out of the courtroom for her passion for standing strong as a voice for the voiceless and advocating for the rights of others. This former prosecutor, experienced litigator and zealous advocate having handled hundreds of trials. Mrs. Kuyateh is licensed on both coasts, in California and Virginia and has also been admitted to the practice before the United States

You may want to ask Ivette questions related to:

  • What do I need to have in place as a business owner to make sure my business can keep going if I can’t operate it either short term or long term?
  • How do I know if my current estate plan will work when and how I want it to?
  • Do I need a will or a trust?
  • What are some of the tax planning strategies that I should think about?

Ivette is available for virtual office hours from 11am-1pm PT on the 1st Friday of the Month on ZOOM. Link https://us06web.zoom.us/j/88151831562?pwd=d1lyUjBFVmFaY29nRUVsODF3S21xZz09
Hera Hub members are welcome to schedule FREE Wealth Preservation calls directly with Ivette here. Link https://app.lawmatics.com/appointment-calendar/MTc3MDg=%7CWyIxNTk4MSJd%7CInpvb20i

Website:  www.kuyatehlawgroup.com
Email: ivette@kuyatehlawgroup.com