savvy college consumer

Education costs are skyrocketing, leading many families struggling to find ways to pay for college. Student loans are currently a burden for 43.3 million people who, collectively, owe more than one trillion dollars. Hera Hub member Marina Gil sat down with Felena to talk about her company, Savvy College Consumer, and the service she offers to families to help find funds without taking on loans.

college student loan debt

Marina Gil, MA, has over 10 years of experience working in the higher education sphere, including areas such as college counseling, admissions, career counseling, and residence hall advising and service. Based on these experiences, she developed Savvy College Consumer, a specialized service that makes use of hidden and underutilized financial solutions to help college-bound students pay for both undergraduate and graduate/professional school, NONE of which include student loans. Connect with Marina on Twitter @SavvyCollegeCA.

Infographic source: Daily Infographic