Erin Weidner is a fierce advocate for women’s financial fluency. Only 14% of financial advisors nationwide are female. Her daily objective is to help a woman be able to answer, for themselves, the age-old question of, “Will I be okay?” Erin’s life experience affords a unique perspective for the woman who finds herself as Newly Head of Household which provides a comfortable place to open up, share their individual circumstances and get clear answers to address her financial questions and concerns. Erin understands first-hand the financial upheaval that results from a divorce, or family loss, and she puts those experiences to work, for good.

You may want to ask Erin questions related to:

As a Small Business Owner:
• How much will I need to “retire,” or how much should I/could I be putting away?
• What are the strategies to create my own SEP, ROTH, Profit Sharing Plan or 401k in order to minimize the taxes I pay?

As Newly Head of Household from a divorce or widowhood:
• Will I really be okay? How will that work?
• How can my assets (and/or alimony) pay me, rather than decline from withdrawing from my assets?

For better Financial Fluency for my family:
• How do we hold a family meeting around our finances?
• What can I do to help this next generation plan for their own futures? (and put the mistakes I may have made, to good use!)
• What are my Social Security benefits today? Disability? Survivor Benefits? Ex-Spouse Social Security Benefits?
