Chanel Collis designs and builds WordPress websites to help business owners grow their business. She has over 20 years experience as an Art Director and Graphic Designer, with a BA in Brand Strategy and a Diploma in Graphic Design. Chanel has worked on big brands, including Apple, Land Rover, BMW, Colgate, American Express, British Airways, Harry Potter, Bang & Olufsen, and Virgin Mobile. She has worked for global ad agencies, including Ogilvy, Saatchi & Saatchi, Young & Rubicam, and more.
Chanel designed and built the Hera Hub website and has 12 years experience in Web Design and Technical Support for WordPress websites. She has built hundreds of WordPress websites for startups and small to large businesses, from simple to complex websites, including functionality like eCommerce, Memberships, Multisites, Multi-Vendor sites, Events, Coaching Programs, Portfolios, and many more.
You may want to ask questions related to:
- How do I get started with a new website?
- How do I get found in Google search so people will visit my website?
- How do I add functionality to my website, like an email opt-in or eCommerce?
- How do I get started with a redesign of my website?
- How do I fix something that’s causing an issue on my website?
- Feel free to ask other web design or WordPress support related questions!
Chanel is available from 11am-1pm PT every Thursday.
Book a meeting – https://calendly.com/potionwebstudio/30-min
Website: https://potionwebstudio.com
Email: chanel@potionwebstudio.com