Susan Friedman is a Patent Attorney with 15 years of experience in IP law. Her engineering background gives her a unique ability to relate to her clients and tell the story of their invention with an approachable style and attention to detail. Executing top quality patents are one piece of Susan’s holistic IP adventure. She amassed a powerful strategic arsenal supplied by her experience in litigation and consulting for VCs. She delights in creating dynamic business-minded legal strategies to support, protect, and strengthen her clients’ evolving needs.

You may want to ask questions related to:

  • What is the difference between a Trademark, a Patent (and other forms of intellectual property)?
  • What is the value in having [a] patent(s)? I don’t have enough money to litigate, so what’s the point?
  • When should I apply for a Patent? Trademark? What’s the process like?
  • What’s the upside/downside to using a service like legalzoom to file a Patent or Trademark?
  • Can my employees/contractors have a claim to IP created on my company’s dime?

Susan is available from 1:00pm-3:00pm PT every 1st & 3rd Tuesday of the month.
Book a meeting
