Susan Stolov is an award-winning filmmaker, director and scriptwriter. Her films have blazed trails in improving public safety, raised significant donations for non-profits and tackled hot topics on the public agenda. She specializes in helping businesses, associations and non-profits tell their story and achieve goals using video. As a media trainer and consultant, she also prepares Senators, CEO’s and business leaders for interviews. She especially loves taking the mystery out of making a video.
You may want to ask Susan questions related to:
- How can I tell my story using video?
- Do I have a good story?
- How can my business use video to achieve goals?
- How can I prepare for a news interview?
- What is it like to be on TV? What can I expect?
- What do I need to give to a script writer before they write my script
Email: Sue@washingtonindependentproductions.com
Phone: (202)638-3800
Website: www.washingtonindependentproductions.com