Get Started
- Go to to log into our member management platform, Nexudus.
- Scroll down on this page to see several “how to” videos.
- Here you can book rooms, browse the member directory, update your credit card, see the events calendar, and watch replays in the Resource Library.
- Download the
Passport by Nexudus app (Apple Store and Google Play)
Get Involved
- Make sure you’re plugged in to our Global Facebook group
- Find the Sub-Hub that is right for your current needs
- Explore our programs and events –
- Subscribe to our events calendar: How to video
- Visit our Resource Library to find previous recordings by logging on to Nexudus
- Meet with one of our business GURUs global
- Explore business acceleration
- Let us help you find your blind spots! Fill out this short 360 business assessment.
Get Exposure
- Optimize your Global Member Directory profile
- Be featured on the Hera Herald
- Write a guest blog post
- Share your StartUp Story
- Share your Success Story
- Be interviewed by Felena on our Podcast, “Flight Club”
- Apply to lead a Sub-Hub
- Hosting an event or workshop?
- Publish Your Event to our public calendar
- Need event marketing help? Felena’s training on setting-up and marketing your event
- Consider booking space at Hera Hub, email
For All Access members
- Become a featured Business GURU (All Access)
- Get Special Business Exposure (All Access)
- Download the ButterflyMX app and Expansive app to set up a member profile for access to Hera Hub and the Expansive community lounge. Obtain a key to the suite from the Community Director.
Help Wanted!
- Need an intern? Here is a great video training and article on how to attract and manage interns. We encourage you to use the space to connect with interns.
- Need an assistant? Consider posting the need on our Global Community Facebook group. We also have a great training about working with virtual assistants (VAs). Here is the video from one of Felena’s Biz Boosters.