Amanda began her technical journey starting at the age of seven years old. Taking programming and computer repair curricula via correspondence courses.
In the second grade she was identified as a gifted child and her parents decided to eject her from the public school system after the fifth grade. In her adolescent years she was tutored via the initial rendition of “homeschool” where she spent her effort in learning from the free internet at the time and hacking became her past time. Never for nefarious reasons, but to look at how things actually worked as intended; but most importantly the non-intended use and abuse cases.
Amanda is also a singer, guitar player and amateur artist. She brings a multi-dimensional approach to all that she does and might make you think outside of the box with just a single conversation. These days Amanda is the “Chief Panda” for SlothPandas LLC. She specializes in Software Engineering, Hardware Engineering and Cybersecurity.
Questions you might ask Amanda during her GURU hours:
- How can I identify what cyber risk exists in my company and products or websites?
- How can I build a cybersecurity program from scratch?
- How can I mature my cybersecurity portfolio?
- What are the basics of cybersecurity?
- How can I protect myself and my family from hackers?
Amanda is available from 1pm-5pm PT every second & fourth Friday of the month.
Website: www.slothpandas.com
Email: panda@slothpandas.com