Business Resources

21 01, 2016

How To Create Effective Buyer Personas for Your Business (part 1) Guest Post by Erin Carpenter

This post is first in a 2-part series. Many of us are already aware that market segmentation is an essential building block of any marketing strategy. Traditionally, this involves defining a segment of the marketplace, [...]

13 01, 2016

The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up Your Finances Guest Post by Shelley Murasko

No one's ever achieved financial fitness with a January resolution that's abandoned by February. ~ Suze Orman Marie Kondo, the famous Japanese cleaning consultant and author of  the #1 best-selling book The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up, has [...]

13 11, 2015

Hey Wantrepreneur: Here’s How to become an Entrepreneur | Guest Post by Kristi Pawlowicz

I never really understood what “putting myself out there” actually meant until I became an entrepreneur. I know the feeling all too well of wanting to hide behind my computer, hide behind the camera, or [...]

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