


26 07, 2024

Celebrating Americans with Disabilities Act Day: Empowering Children with Disabilities Through the Power of Communication

Guest blog post by member Jennifer Horn, owner of Say and Play Speech Therapy Every year, July 26th marks an important day in our nation's history – the anniversary of the Americans With [...]

14 02, 2024

From Corporate to Entrepreneur: Navigating the Transition with Coworking Spaces

Guest blog post by Lisa LaCorte, Partner and Community Director at Hera Hub Irvine The corporate world has long been associated with stability, structured routines, and hierarchical structures. However, as the entrepreneurial spirit [...]

23 08, 2023

Hope for the Loneliness Epidemic: How Coworking Spaces Counter the Mental Challenges of Working from Home

In an age where technology aims to bring us closer, it's ironic how many feel more isolated than ever. The 'Loneliness Epidemic' is not just a buzzword; it's a concerning reality affecting both our [...]

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