Before you make a final decision, we would like to chat with you to see if there is anything we can do to support you in a different way.  Let’s schedule time to chat!  Please call 855-Hera-Hub to speak with Andrea.

Freeze Membership

  • I understand Hera Hub has agreed to temporarily freeze my membership for one month. During this one month period, I will be temporarily removed from Hera Hub's member portal and communication platform. After the one month period, my membership will be reinstated. I understand that billing will occur on the first of the month and I will be charged the fee associated with my membership level. Hera Hub agrees to waive any initiation fee associated with reinstating membership.
  • If I have a membership that includes mail-handling, I understand that it will be discontinued if I chose to freeze membership. In order to maintain service, I agree to be charged $30/month. If I choose to discontinue mail handling service, I agree to the following: On the first day of my membership freeze, I understand that I am no longer able to use the Hera Hub address for my business. This includes the use of the address on sites like Yelp, Google, and Facebook. I agree to remove the address from my website and all print materials. Additionally, I understand any mail received during this freeze period will be returned to sender until membership is reinstated