Hera Hub CoFounder Dr. Silvia Mah has a packed schedule! We’re pleased to share with you all of the events coming up for Hera LABS and Hera Fund as well as her new podcast!
Hera Launch / Scale Intensive Graduation and Demo Day – August 21
This event is to showcase the Spring 2017 graduates of the program. For the graduates, this is the conclusion to 12 intense weeks of working and fine tuning their businesses. The event is open to the public. Monday, 8/21 from 6:00 – 8:00pm at Hera Hub Sorrento Valley. RSVP on the Hera LABS Facebook Page.
Hera Fast Pitch Pre-Summit Event – August 31
This is the third year of this event for female-led startups. During this meet and greet, the fast pitch contestants will present their ideas.If you’d like to apply to pitch, the deadline is August 17th. Click to apply to present during the Hera Fast Pitch. This event is open to the public. Tickets are on sale now. Early Bird ends on August 24th. Thursday, 8/31 from 6:00 – 8:00pm at Hera Hub Sorrento Valley.
Red Flags & White Wine – September 6
This is a pre-summit event for Hera Venture. Come learn from female angel investors. This free networking and education event is open to the public. RSVP on the Hera LABS Facebook Page. Wednesday, 9/6 from 5:30 – 7:30pm at Hera Hub Sorrento Valley.
Hera Venture Summit – September 16
The Hera Venture Summit is a one-day event connecting female funders and female founders. This educational event features tips from national and international experts on navigating the world of venture funding for female entrepreneurs. Tickets are available on Eventbrite. Early Bird sales end on September 1st. Saturday, 9/16 from 7:30am – 7:00pm at University of San Diego’s Mother Rosalie Hill Hall.
She Invests – New Podcast
Dr. Mah created this podcast to showcase female angel investors, the world of venture capital, startups and more. Her “mission is to equip female angel investors with more knowledge about how to invest, finding their tribe, and collaborating.” Listen to the She Invests podcast on iTunes.

Connect with Dr. Mah, Hera Labs, Hera Fund and She Invests on Social Media:
Hera Labs on Facebook – @HeraLabs
Hera Labs on Twitter – @HeraLabs
Hera Fund on Facebook – @HeraFund
Hera Fund on Twitter – @HeraFund
She Invests on Facebook – @SheInvests