Our Women in Science Rock series continues with Navrina Singh. Navrina is the head of Qualcomm ImpaQt, which is their global, employee innovation program. The goal of ImpaQt is to inspire people to innovate and collaborate globally across Qualcomm, to spark new ideas, and to inspire innovation in areas of strategic interest to Qualcomm. ImpaQt’s charter is to collaboratively bring forward new, innovative technologies with the goal of influencing Qualcomm’s future products, roadmaps and IP portfolio.

Navrina grew up in India. Since a young age she has been interested in numbers and the sciences. Her family is full of doctors and engineers so it wasn’t surprising that she was attracted to the sciences. After receiving her undergraduate degree, she moved to America to join a Masters program. She graduated from University of Wisconsin, Madison. She began her career at Qualcomm.

She has loved playing a role in the continuous development of technology. She has worked on cell phone chips, healthcare space, and automotive space. Now Navrina works in innovation, which is where they look at new products and businesses that will take Qualcomm to the next level.

Navrina’s advice for young girls who are interested in the sciences is to stay passionate and curious. She hopes these girls don’t feel defined by the labels.Save