You’re working late, again, on a big project for your business. Coffee and the drive to beat the deadline are keeping you going, but you can’t help but think, what did I get myself into? And what was I thinking?!
You were probably thinking like an entrepreneur.
When you said yes to that challenging project or extra client, you knew it would mean a lot of work. But you still said yes. Beyond being a glutton for punishment, there’s an explanation for your choice.
Striking out on your own requires a pretty big leap, one you’ve managed to take, and that same drive that got you on your own is now leading you to take on more challenges.
Rebekah Iliff offers five ways in which entrepreneurs think differently. She points to a childlike curiosity, drive for improvement, optimistic outlook, and rebellious streak that are characteristic of entrepreneurs. Does any of this sound familiar?
Thinking like an entrepreneur requires eagerness. Whether you’d describe your thinking as analytical or innovative or (sometimes) hair-brained doesn’t matter. You can’t help but want to know more, push boundaries, and keep working. Simply put, you think forward.
Instead of the way you think, it’s that you’re always thinking, period. You’d like to zone out in a nice hot bath, but the next great blog post is forming in your head. Being the one to always have a question was a mark against you as a child, but this quality is what separates you as an innovator now. The points made by Iliff all center on this drive to move forward.
So next time you’re cursing yourself for taking on a bit too much and wondering why you did, know that your entrepreneurial mind is pushing you. This is the quality that sets you apart from the rest. Just don’t think too much about it, we know you have a lot going on up there.
Elizabeth McCumber, marketing maven and freelance writer, focuses on providing quality creative content for entrepreneurs. She also specializes in email marketing and social media planning. Connect with Elizabeth on LinkedIn.