Hera Hub is excited to share Startup Stories from our members. We periodically interview incredible business women from a variety of backgrounds and disciplines. Our goal is to share our members’ wonderful stories with the public.

Rebecca Massoud founder of SHINE Soul + Success, is an award-winning business success coach and marketing mentor. She specializes in helping ambitious women entrepreneurs, coaches and consultants attract, win, and WOW high-end clients, so they can create a soul-fulfilling, 6-figure business.

Rebecca has been a member of our Sorrento Valley location for just over one year. Here is Rebecca’s Startup Story:

What was the inspiration behind your business?

Being an entrepreneur had been a long-time dream of mine. After a few “failed” attempts at having my own business, I finally put the stake in the ground and declared to the Universe that I’m doing this no matter what.

Business coaching has been the perfect vehicle to bring ALL of me to the table in working with clients. It combines my 25 years experience in marketing and business, along with two decades worth of passionate exploration in personal growth and spiritual awakening. I love working with my entrepreneurial clients holistically–on their marketing and client attraction strategy; on their profit strategy and unique relationship with money; and, particularly, on their “inner game” strategy to help them make fabulous money doing what they love.

Who are your clients and what do you do for them? 

I specialize in mentoring women entrepreneurs, coaches and consultants who are driven to make a big impact and create fabulous money in their business. They’ve already achieved a level of success in their business, but may be stuck in a “dollars for hours” business model or haven’t been able to gain the leverage they need to grow to the next level. As a result, they may be feeling burned out, frustrated with a financial plateau or inconsistent profits, or feeling a lack of energy or “juice” in their business.

I love helping my clients zero in on their unique brilliance, step into their power and own their worth, so they can easily attract and sign on high-end clients. The results are they work less, make more money and have a lot more fun giving their gifts and making a big impact.

Rebecca Massound Shine and Soul Success

What are your business’ values? How do they align with your personal values? 

My business and personal values are one in the same. I value making decisions and taking action from where I want to be, not from where I currently am. I value living with integrity; speaking my truth clearly, courageously and compassionately; and having FUN on this entrepreneurial journey no matter what!

How/Why did you choose your business name? 

The name “SHINE” came to me early one morning when I was lying in bed. What’s it come to mean in the broadest sense is that it’s time for women to step out of hiding and stop playing it safe. It’s time for us to stop doubting ourselves, denying our genius and wondering if we’re “good enough” or “have what it takes” to be a big success. It’s time for us to speak up, speak out and SHINE our brilliance in our businesses and lives. And it’s time for us to heal our money stories and make fabulous money as entrepreneurs!

What do you love most about your work? 

Being my own boss is the best! I love that I can create and set up my days in a way that works well for my family and me, as well as serving my clients’ needs. I LOVE supporting my clients to create breakthroughs and achieve the results they’re wanting. It’s the best feeling when I get an email or card from one of my them saying, “Thank you! You’ve changed my life!”

What is the biggest challenge in running your own business? 

Prioritizing. I’m learning to get really good at saying “no” and being crystal clear and focused on only a few strategies that I enjoy and that grow my business.

What are your/your business’ goals for the future? 

“Soul and success”-type live events and retreats for women entrepreneurs.

What advice would you give to a new entrepreneur? 

Get crystal clear on your priorities, and don’t try to do everything at once. Pick 1-3 marketing strategies for growing your business, and then be relentless in staying the course with those strategies until you’ve mastered them. Get good at saying “no” or “not now,” as there’s a big compulsion to get distracted or move too quickly to the next “bright shiny object.”

Remember, it takes a village to create a highly profitable business you love. So get support early on–coaching and mentoring from those who have walked the path and know what it takes.

And, finally, give attention each day to your “inner game.” Prioritize raising your vibration and practice cultivating a clear and calm mental/emotional state–it will make your marketing and sales so much easier and help “unkink” the flow of profits into your business!