I saw a question posed online the other day… The question went something like this… What advice did a previous boss or mentor give you that still applies today? Almost instantly, I knew my answer. I had a mentor over 20 years ago who, after a pretty incredible win said to me, “They’re going to say you got lucky. You need to know that you created your own luck”. Obviously, it stuck with me. So let’s talk about it…

Creating our own luck is about taking action, being persistent and making things happen. Here’s are a few ways we can tilt the odds in our favor.


First, be proactive. Reach out and network. We need to put ourselves out there. When we have a goal, everyone in our sphere should know it. We should be picking up the phone, attending events, joining online communities, and getting uncomfortable. The more people know what we’re up to, the more likely we are to find valuable opportunities.


Next, is adaptability. I had another mentor in my life say to me, “The most flexible person in the room has the most control.” Mic drop, right? The business landscape is always changing. To stay relevant, we need to be aware, informed, and willing to maneuver and pivot. Being “in the know” about industry trends and being open to new ideas, can turn potential setbacks into steppingstones.


Persistence is also key. Every entrepreneur faces challenges and setbacks, but those who succeed are the ones who keep pushing forward. When we face roadblocks, we should look for alternative routes. When we fail, we should adopt a mindset of learning from it. This mentality often pays off in ways we might not expect.


Considering I have run a successful mastermind for the last decade, I would be remiss not to mention having a strong support network. When we surround ourselves with people who believe in us, it makes all the difference. A support system can provide advice, ideas, encouragement, and different perspectives that can help us navigate and spot undiscovered opportunities.

Bottom line: Creating your own luck as an entrepreneur is about taking ownership of the journey and acting. No “lucky” charms are needed!

Kara Horat is the founder of Connect for Success, a community that exists to serve and support businesswomen with a unique, signature mastermind concept coupled with mastermind retreats where entrepreneurs problem solve, expand ideas, create accountability, and act as a sounding board for one another; all with the goal to gain clarity, increase revenue and create the success they desire and deserve. Connect For Success just celebrated 10-years, although Kara has been an entrepreneur for over 26 years. Kara’s got East-Coast roots and the work ethic to match, but living in SoCal for half her life, she definitely has a West Coast vibe!