If you are thinking about revising your work schedule you are in the right place! Would you agree that time management is less about how to get more done, and more about how to make time for what is fulfilling? I hope so, because sharing easy to use strategies will make reaching this goal a reality for you? Before you can incorporate these new time management “habits” let’s uncover some common obstacles about time. First, is the belief that there is never enough time. We all have the same amount of time to work with, 24/7, so you can begin by accepting that everything you spend your time on is about choice. Let’s get into the habit of making each choice more intentional. You can use these decision making questions to evaluate whether or not you are going to spend time on something before you choose to do it.
TIME MANAGEMENT HABIT #1: Ask yourself, “Do I have to do it, or want to do it?” If it has to be done, does it have to be done by me? If it has to be done, can it be done in a morestreamlined way to save time? If it has to be done, when does it have to be done by (date)? Can it be postponed without negative consequences?
TIME MANAGEMENT HABIT #2: “What do I need or want to do that I seem to never have time to do?” Once you’ve eliminated items that you don’t have to do, find a realistic block of time to schedule something that has been waiting for you! Imagine what you can do with an extra 15 minutes a day!
TIME MANAGEMENT HABIT #3: Planning is critical to effectively revising your work schedule. Commit to a regular planning time every day. Write that into your schedule…no excuses! At the end of every work day spend 15 minutes reviewing what needs to be re-prioritized, and look at what is on your calendar for the next 2-3 days. This habit will make the next day feel more organized.
This guest blog post was written in honor of National Revise Your Work Schedule Month by Professional Organizer and Founder of Outside In Organizer, Denise Levine. Visit and like her Facebook page here.