Reduce. Reuse. Recycle: this well-known expression is used to inspire behavioral changes in support of healing the Natural World that supports us all. My observations as a Sustainability Professional is that there is an increasing amount of data to motivate us (the us that I refer to is the people of the ‘First World’ nations) to make choices which alleviate the burden to the environment. Science is nearly unanimous in predicting that the consequences of an unchanged trajectory in our consumption will lead us to a devastating outcome in our relationship with the Natural World. In spite of the increased volume of data holding an escalating scariness factor of the scientifically anticipated outcomes, there does not appear to be a parallel in our collective consumption choices. Strange, isn’t it?

North_America_from_low_orbiting_satellite_Suomi_NPPSo, here is what I know about being human: fear contracts and hope expands. Big changes are difficult to realize when we are contracted with fear. My wish for the Sustainability conversation is that we (this is the collective we!) begin (re)discovering the joy in living in alignment with the Natural World. Access to this joy is discovered simply by fostering more connection in your life:

  • Connection to the Natural World
  • Connection to your Self
  • Connection to your fellow Humans

Could it really be that simple?! It can!!!

How simple could it be, you ask? So simple! It really, truly, can be so very simple…

Find little moments to connect to the Natural World: take a walk, look at the plants, notice texture and color, even taking a simple moment to allow yourself to touch a plant or two, engage mindfulness that these plants are supporting your life and you, through the collective, are supporting it. Taking these moments to breathe deeply, into your belly, which connects you both to yourself, and to the Natural World, which is supporting you with this life-giving breath. And as you continue this walk, take the simple moments to look into the eyes of your neighbor or co-worker and see them for the unique and amazing being that they are and let that come through the beautiful smile that you offer to him or her, knowing that we are together, with this planet, living in this unique and lovely time in human evolution.

800px-Earth_Day_EmbraceAs a very wise woman, named Shannon Thompson, once said, “We are either ushering in a New World or we are stewarding a Dying World, either way, we need to have fun!” And that is the truth! Take these moments of appreciating the wonders of life and allow your intuition to guide you to simple ways to bring in playfulness into your world.

Remember, it’s not about perfection, it’s about celebrating your small successes! And in offering yourself, the Natural World and others around you, gifts of compassion and kindness, we can then take that moment in time when we want to engage consumption to see if there is a deeper need that could be satisfied by connection rather than consumption, prompting ourselves with the simple questions:

What do I feel? What do I need?

I believe you will find ‘Reduce. Reuse. Recycle’ much more accessible from this place of deep connection.


unnamedAllison Brooke, MBA, is a San Diego Native and believes in the power of Social Change. She is a Global Reporting Initiative certified reporter for Corporate Social Responsibility reporting as well as being a Expert Team Leader in the area of Sustainability for eVirtualRoundtables, virtual peer-to-peer discussion groups.  She is passionate about guiding organizations to innovative approaches for leveraging their cultures as social change institutions.