National Online Learning Day showcases how students of all ages are thriving with the ability to learn online—anywhere, anytime. It seeks to cultivate awareness of, and support for, this ever-growing community of learners and to celebrate the future of online education—wherever technology and our imaginations take us!

Online learning offers many advantages, including convenience, affordability, and flexibility. Many entrepreneurs are turning. to online course creation to leverage their knowledge and expand their reach.

Felena Hanson sat down with Katie Casillas to explore how she helps entrepreneurs stop trading time for money.

Katie is a mom, educator, consultant, and digital marketing expert with over 12 years of experience in the online space. Katie has worked with a diverse range of clients over the years, from small business to enterprise, but her current passion lies in working with entrepreneurs to help them create awesome social media content, launch digital products like courses and group programs, and find success in the online marketplace. 

With the boom in online learning, coupled with the desire (and need) for more work-life flexibility for most people in the post-pandemic workforce, Katie has found that adding an online course to their offer suite is one of the most effective ways for entrepreneurs to create a source of passive income and get back more of their time. However, she’s also found that without a blueprint and accountability often times what is a brilliant idea for a course sits on the back-burner of their to-do list – which is why she created LAUNCH IT ⚡ Live – an Online Course Accelerator Group Program for Service-Based Entrepreneurs

This program is for the maxed service provider who is ready to shift away from some of the 1-to-1 work and add an additional stream of income serving 1-to-many but doesn’t even know where to start. Or perhaps this entrepreneur is a creative and has been sitting on a BRILLIANT idea for a course or program and would like some support and accountability to help finally launch it!

Sound like you?

Learn more about the exciting launch of this very special beta group round happening this Fall here:

LAUNCH IT ⚡ Live Fall 2022

Interested entrepreneurs can apply here:

LAUNCH IT ⚡ Live Fall 2022 Application