Kara is the founder of Connect For Success, an award-winning mastermind community (NAWBO Woman Advocate of the Year 2017).

Connect for Success exists to serve and support business women with a unique, signature mastermind concept coupled with mastermind retreats where entrepreneurs problem solve, expand ideas, create accountability, and act as a sounding board for one another; all with the goal to gain clarity, increase revenue and create the success they desire and deserve. Connect For Success just celebrated 10-years, although Kara has been an entrepreneur for over 26 years.

Kara’s got East-Coast roots and the work ethic to match, but living in SoCal for half her life, she definitely has a West Coast vibe!

Website: connectforsuccessonline.com
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/karahorat

To hear the full interview with Kara, listen below and subscribe to Flight Club here!

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Felena Hanson, founder of Hera Hub, interviews incredible business women from a variety of backgrounds and disciplines for Hera Hub’s podcast Flight Club. Giving you a behind-the-scenes look at female entrepreneurship, we focus on sharing backstories of amazing women as they found their “lean out” moment and bravely launched their business. We uncover their secrets to success and their advice to others who are launching a new adventure. Subscribe to Flight Club on iTunes here.