This important article was contributed by Gail Kraft, who is is the founder of Kraft Bravery and Your Business.
Have you wondered why you have a dream and yet nothing has changed? How often have you heard statements such as:
• Believe and it will happen
• If you have passion you will succeed
• Determination is the key
And you’ve tried them all, yet still no change. Although all of these are true and I would argue, essential for your success, the desire and will for something is not all it takes. Krafting your dream, your goal, and your passion takes planning, perspective and patience.
Planning When you have a goal in mind you need to select a realistic end date. For example, let’s say you want to make $50 million a year. Well, if you are starting at a base of making $50,000 a year, this will probably not be achievable within the next 12 months. However, if you have a 3 – 5 year plan and a means to achieve this goal then break it down.
What needs to be accomplished in 5 years?
What needs to be accomplished in 3 years?
What do you need to achieve in this first year, six months, this month?
Now what needs to be done every week this month?
Breaking your plan down to realistic and achievable milestones is the most important step you can take because you shift your dream to an actionable state.
Please keep on dreaming, keep on visualizing, and keep up your passion and determination. But build a solid plan first.
This is where you take a look at your plan and determine, given the resources you have today, the constraints (technology, finance, time) what realistic steps can be taken to build toward this plan. Do you need help? Do you need guidance? Is this achievable in 5 years? Why not and how can each obstacle you foresee now be addressed? What alternative steps can you take if needed?
You have built your plan with the perfect world in mind. In the perfect world where you have all the resources you need and there are no obstacles in the way of what you need to achieve. Now recognize those obstacles and add the steps and/or resources you need to overcome each one.
PatienceIf you are anything like me, once you spend the time building your plan and determining your process you want it done, NOW! Well, there is a universal law called the Law of Gestation. Everything has a time and new ideas need time to take root, to be nurtured and to grow strong. You planted the seed now nourish its growth. Work your plan with the flexibility to change as life happens. Stay focused, stay driven, stay a believer.
These three practical steps coupled with daily routines of focusing on your intentions are what pull you through the unexpected and assure your success in achieving your goals. Hone your plan, hone your energy, and hone your purpose. This is a daily process and it is the journey that Krafts your vision.
Gail Kraft is the founder of Kraft Bravery and Your Business. She is the go to expert on business strategy and balance for today’s career woman. Combining her skills as a leader with her mentoring and coaching expertise Gail has developed a program for woman seeking success and balance in their lives. Move beyond being unfocused, unbalanced or unhappy with your business, career or direction. Create an environment where you are unstuck and un-frustrated while you uncover what to do to achieve your goals professionally and personally.