Hera Hub has been utilizing interns from almost our first days in business. It’s been important to us that the relationship be symbiotic. We want to provide value for our interns since we learn so much from them, too.

In this profile, we’d like you to meet recent college grad Melanie Kietzke.

Give us a brief bio: who are you, what do you do?

Melanie-Kietzke-hera-hub-internMy name is Melanie Noelle Kietzke. I recently graduated from San Diego State University with a degree in Business Administration specializing in Integrated Marketing Communications. I’m currently a busy bee spending most of my time as a Digital Marketing Intern at Hera Hub, Marketing Assistant at Professional Plastics, and a Hostess at the Point Loma Brigantine. My schedule is a bit crowded but in my free time I love shooting photos in downtown San Diego, going on adventures with friends, and spending time with my family.

What are you hoping to get out of this internship?

My internship at Hera Hub has opened my eyes to all of the opportunities of being a female entrepreneur. I am so inspired by all of the amazing women I have met at Hera Hub and my experience here has not only solidified my ultimate goal of becoming an entrepreneur but also helped me create a better understanding of the route I want to go into.

As a digital marketing intern, I have enjoyed providing Hera Hub’s social media followers with exciting content and visuals that support the Hera Hub vision of collaboration, spa vibes, and female empowerment. I am so thankful for my time here and it has been a pleasure working with the passionate and goal driven women who have built Hera Hub from the ground up.

Where do you see yourself and/or your business in 5 years?

It’s hard to say where I see myself in five years because I am at a stage in my life where every small change creates a huge wave of changes. I hope to be doing marketing for a company that values creative minds and collaboration. Ideally, I would love to work for a company in the entertainment industry. I have always had a passion for art and music which I hope to incorporate into my future career.

What is your dream company to work for and why?

My ultimate dream job is to be founder of my own business but that’s a bit further down the line. Right now I am interested in pursuing a career in the field of brand consulting, promotions, or digital marketing.

Tell us something fun about you.

I’ve always considered myself an old soul so I recently started collecting vintage records. Two of my favorites in my collection are Frank Sinatra and Aretha Franklin.