As entrepreneurs, we put our heart and soul into creating our work. Then, when it comes down to our messaging, we kick ourselves to the curb, seal ourselves and the real value we offer our clients in a brown paper bag, and wait for clients to make their way to our office “door!” We are forever leaving ourselves out of our business message …  when putting ourselves in could be the transformation needed to move our business forward.  Here are some of the “missed-takes” we make thinking it is only what we do that adds value for others.

We try to please our critics.

They come from all areas of life: our family, our teachers, our college professors, even our well-meaning partners. Sometimes our critic’s message nests in our brains, nagging us, tormenting us in the middle of the night, stealing our confidence or worse, minimizing our unique message, one that could possibly bring a viable and transformational solution to a problem! Note to Self: We will never please our critics’ 100% of the time. In most cases, their opinion is really none of our business.

We leave ourselves out the picture.

You may think your life is not interesting, but if someone is hiring you they might feel differently. What you do is only a part of your services. Why you do it – who you are and your motivation for doing what you do – feeds and nourishes your client’s need to hire you. Most people want the person they work with to understand their needs. If you’re reason for doing what you do is based on a personal experience then your client will know you have a personal commitment to making their need personal. Note to Self: I add the real value to my services.

We want to be liked so we avoid being authentic.

Women, more than men, worry about this. We shape our message around the “doing” and focus less on sharing our reasons and motivation for doing what we do. There is a way to be professionally authentic without sounding like a victim or a fixer. Your clients will trust you more if they understand why they can trust you. They cannot get inside your head but if they know your heart they will walk through the door willingly. Note to Self: I do what I do because I truly care.

We fear we’re a fraud and that if we leave ourselves out of the picture others won’t find out our hidden secret.

You’re not a fraud! Note to Self: I am a qualified professional.

The Exercise

 First, make a short list of the nuts and bolts of what you do. Next, create another list of similar length and write down what led you to do what you do? How do you feel about what you do? Why? If you won the lottery tomorrow, would you still do what you do? Then, share your lists with a trusted and reliable friend who can write down what she/he heard.

If your purposeful experience is missing, consider rewording your message and including a simple but authentic description of what drives you to do what you do.

As an example, what I do is help other people write and give voice to their story.

Why I do it matters to my clients. I fell into a lot of traps as an author writing her books. At times, I was taken advantage of in ways that might have derailed me. There was a lot I didn’t know. I now share my journey with other writers to help make their experience positive, their passion to write vitally alive. More than anything … I’d like them to one day hold their book in their hands.

Let the people who make their way to your professional “door” know you care. It can possibly make all the difference in your world and theirs!

About the Author

Candace George Conradi is the Founder of Writers Inner Circle, Lighting the Way for Authors

You know the story you want to write. We know how to get you to your book!

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