This piece was written in celebration of National Small Business Week

[May 4-8], which highlights the impact of outstanding entrepreneurs and small business owners around the country and recognizes their accomplishments and contributions.

There are reasons these days that people distrust big business. They list a set of values on all their advertising, but rarely do they show up in reality. JC Penney came out with a new ad program that says they will treat us “fair and square” in how they price their merchandise. A nice promise but after 110 years, why is this just happening now?

Recently, on a TV episode of Undercover Boss, The President & CEO of The Dwyer Group®, a company with 8 different franchises across the country, was featured. Like most companies, The Dwyer Group® has an official mission statement and vision; however, they also have a Code of Values that each employee is urged “to know and follow by heart and with heart”. The Code of Values serves as a set of universal guidelines to which they strive to adhere, from the bottom of the organization all the way to the top. In fact, any meeting of three or more employees of The Dwyer Group begins with reciting the Code of Values. As the Undercover Boss, the CEO was delighted to see how this was adhered to in all but one of the franchises and took immediate action to rectify the situation.

Values are at the heart of your decision-making, direction, marketing and positioning in the marketplace. Business values are the talk. The more important question is, “Where is the walk?” The walk refers to the actual actions that a business takes. If your business boasts excellent customer service, but falls short and offers mediocre customer service at best, then you are not walking the walk.

But What are Values?

Values are an internal standard or quality, a conception of the desirable which influences action and helps you determine right from wrong. A values based business provides Clarity, Confidence, Direction, Motivation, Consistency and Meaning to everything you do.

There are different values for businesses than personal ones. But living your values authentically means you can go forward in trust and collaborate more with other businesses. You can stand out in this changing marketplace. . .

  • Start with identifying your core values, (they should be unique, based on your experience, essential to how you conduct yourself and universal so that they apply in all circumstances). Some ideas: Achievement, Community, Efficiency, Excellence, Empowerment, Family, Growth, Innovation, Integrity, Leadership, Learning, Quality, Compassion, Communication, Cooperation, Creativity, Credibility, Dependability, Drive, Knowledge, Loyalty

  • Then ask: How are these values are expressed and acted on each day?

  • Being honest with yourself, how does the business show up contrary to these values?

  • What needs to change?

Coming from your values allows you to put down your marker in the world of economics and commerce and to grow your business authentically in service to your clients and those who come searching for solutions to their problems.

The Challenge: Set your sights on success, define a set of core business values and spell out the behaviors that will reflect in all that you do and watch the business grow.



Barbara Eldridge has built a solid reputation as a Success strategies specialist, coach and speaker within industry and business over the past 25 years. Her unique message for entrepreneurs and small business owners is in meeting the changes of the market place. She has dedicated herself to sharing strategies on success and maximizing potential with her Mind Masters program.

Founded in 1991, Mind Masters provides support and guidance to entrepreneurs to help them master the challenges they face in an ever-changing market place. Drawing on her experience in the corporate world, Mind Masters provides entrepreneurial small business owners the knowledge and insight that allow them to nurture their businesses and create thriving successes.