Born between 1981 and 1996, millennials are the largest living group at 83.1 million strong. They are tech savvy, care about more than just a paycheck, and are accustomed to having a voice and seat at the table. They’re an optimistic group who love social media and want their jobs and encounters to have meaning.

Felena Hanson sat down with Melissa Lee (Director of Hera Hub Sorrento Valley) to discuss what she’s looking for in a leader.  This insightful interview may help you understand what drives millennials in the workplace.

Why it matters…

  • Millennials are the least engaged generation in the workforce. Only 30 percent are engaged while 55 percent are not engaged, and 15 percent are actively disengaged.
  • They change jobs more often than other generations. About 21 percent of Millennials report switching jobs within the last year, and 62 percent are open to a different opportunity.
  • Millennial turnover costs the U.S. economy an estimated $30.5 billion annually.
  • 44 percent of Millennials say they are more likely to be engaged when their manager holds regular meetings with them. But only 21 percent of Millennials meet with their manager on a weekly basis.
  • While half of Millennials say they feel good about the amount of money they have to spend, less than 40 percent are what Gallup defines as “thriving” in any one aspect of well-being.

Felena Hanson is a long-time entrepreneur and marketing maven. Her latest venture, Hera Hub, is a spa-inspired shared workspace and business accelerator for female entrepreneurs. She has two company-owned locations in San Diego and licensed locations in Carlsbad, DC, Irvine, and Temecula, with more cities launching soon. She’s on a mission to support thousands of women in the launch and growth of their business.

Melissa Lee is the Community Director of Hera Hub Sorrento Valley. With a unique, integrative studies degree in the creative process and 10 years experience in teaching and education management, she is now an entrepreneur – learning to use business as a force for good. Beyond taking deep inspiration from the empowered entrepreneurs of the Hera Hub community, Melissa feels at home as a connector, resource, and cheerleader for the members and their business needs.