How to Make the Media Feel Like They Hit the Jackpot


Have you ever wondered how some businesses receive media coverage? Did it take weeks of planning? Or was it an opportunity that came their way unexpectedly?   In this blog, I will illustrate successful media placements that relied on business owners and a city leader responding to media requests and another pitching a story they felt to be newsworthy.   By knowing your Strategy and Preparation, you can make the media feel like they hit the jackpot.

Thanks to Community Director, Tamina Madsen, Hera Hub Carlsbad was recently featured on nationwide CBS news outlets as part of a story on female entrepreneur co-working sites.  In October of 2019, Tamina received a call from CBS TV News. She responded perfectly to the request for information and videography of our site.  With less than a day’s notice, Tamina prepared staff and members for the visit. Her efforts to invite members by Facebook, E-mail and phone, resulted in a well-staffed work center; perfect for the photo op and potential interviews.  The results? Carlsbad Hera Hub has coast-to-coast visibility, greater internet searchability, and is positioned as a leader in the female co-working space.

The art of public relations is not black and white.  It requires strategy and preparation. 

Hera Hub’s strategy; To share our story and opportunity for female entrepreneurs.  

Hera Hub’s Preparation; To have facilities always ready for touring and an up-to-date website and informational materials for reporters.

On April 27, 2019, the Chabad of Poway, CA was under attack by an active shooter.   Stunned, the community and eventually the world, gathered to learn what happened during worship services that left one woman dead and 4 others injured. With news outlets at their heels, the City of Poway made itself available for a press conference with Mayor Steve Kraus quoted as saying, “This is not Poway.”  He continued with a description of what the city of Poway was, uniting its citizens and telling the world his city will not be defined by a terrorist act.

From that day forward, Mayor Kraus continued to answer many questions about the incident, his city and his plans to move forward. His statement and preparation to answer questions provided clarity and calmness to an otherwise untenable situation.

City of Poway’s Strategy, To demonstrate leadership at time of crisis. 

City of Poway’s Preparation, To have crisis communication plan ready with the mayor designated as spokesperson.  (This Strategy and Preparation is not an official excerpt from City of Poway’s communication plan.  It is a professional observation by author.)

What if we decide to be proactive rather than reactive? For example, I sought out a radio interview for my client, Nancy Bohl-Penrod, Ph.D., of The Counseling Team Int., who provides psychological services to first responders.  I knew that her techniques to help law enforcement and firefighters to handle stressful situations could also benefit the general public.  Click on this link to hear the interview.  (Starting at the 23-minute mark.)

The Counseling Team’s Strategy: Make stress reduction information available to audiences who may not otherwise recognize their own need for help. 

The Counseling Team’s PreparationTo pitch interviews to local talk radio station at height of drive-time on Friday afternoon. Provide thorough question and answer (Q&A) document to producer, allowing for full coverage of topic.

Public relations is about building mutually beneficial relationships with organizations, communities and individuals who are your stakeholders. The stronger the relationships, the greater the trust.  Once trust attains this high level in relationships, greater synergy and success are inevitable.

Public relations is about building mutually beneficial relationships with organizations, communities and individuals who are your stakeholders. The stronger the relationships, the greater the trust. — Mary Ann Conover, Conover PR… Share on X

Are you prepared to be the PR professional for your business?

Mary Ann Conover, is founder of Conover PR Strategies, a boutique PR firm specializing in crises management, health education and business development.  She carries a Masters in Communications from Kent State University and a Bachelors in Health Science from San Diego State University. Mary Ann is also Accredited in Public Relations from the Public Relations Society of America, or PRSA.  She enjoys counseling businesses on best practices for public relations.