As a corporate consultant with 20 years of senior leadership experience, she works closely with executive women who seek support in their professional development and have an undeniable desire to elevate their influence and maximize potential. Her clients include senior leaders from Fortune 500 companies, such as GlaxoSmithKline, Amazon, Mozilla & National Institutes of Health.
As a Strategic Advisor, she develops, shape and sponsor hundreds of successful women who want to be part of a leadership circle where decisions are made, blueprints for organizational direction developed and company mission driven.
As your Corporate Ally, Denise helps professional women navigate at the intersection of top leadership and bottom-line
communication with C-Suite leaders. Knowing how to have meaningful conversations, a strong executive presence and gain a loyal following are key components to securing sought after roles in today’s leading organizations.
Website: www.deniseharrisonline.com
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/denise-harris
To hear the full interview with Denise, listen below and subscribe to Flight Club here!
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Felena Hanson, founder of Hera Hub, interviews incredible business women from a variety of backgrounds and disciplines for Hera Hub’s podcast Flight Club. Giving you a behind-the-scenes look at female entrepreneurship, we focus on sharing backstories of amazing women as they found their “lean out” moment and bravely launched their business. We uncover their secrets to success and their advice to others who are launching a new adventure. Subscribe to Flight Club on iTunes here.