balance-716342_1280Our workplaces have become more and more flexible and, if you’re lucky enough, you can even decide when to work and when not to. This is a great way to experience work and to let yourself be inspired by new places and new people that you meet. Sometimes, though, it can be difficult to find the right balance in your workflow. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

1. Schedule your Day.
If you’re working from a coffee shop or from your coworking space, it is possibly to get distracted by what’s happening around you. Therefore, it’s very important that you schedule your day: write down the things you want to accomplish and follow some sort of timeline.

2. Choose your workplace.
Choose your workspace consciously. If you know you get easily distracted by people, try to search for a space that is more removed, or, if you need more sunlight, search for a spot near a window. Coworking spaces often have specially designated areas for different work environments, so try to use them accordingly with relation to your tasks and needs.

3. Avoid noise.
On one hand, having other people around is motivating and can truly fuel your productivity. On the other hand, you can easily get distracted by their presence or talking. Use some good headphones and tune in some background sounds to block out office chatter and to easily focus on your tasks. It’s also important to let others know when you’re busy so they can respect your boundaries.

4. Bring your tools.
Don’t try to let yourself procrastinate because you didn’t bring your charger, your favorite mug or much-needed notebook. Your mind will easily find excuses to prevent you from focusing on your tasks. Pack your gear the evening prior and make sure you have your essential kit always with you so that you can easily work from wherever you are.

5. Keep a routine.
It’s important for your mind and body to keep a certain routine. Try to always eat around the same time and don’t let other people decide your schedule. Otherwise, you risk losing control of your workflow.


Stefano-Merlo-NoisliStefano Merlo is the CEO and founder of Noisli, a service that helps people to focus and boost productivity by blocking out annoying noises and allowing the user to create their own sound environment for working and relaxing.

Follow Stefano on Twitter: @stefanomerlo