Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. -Leonardo da Vinci

Simplifying your life is a journey, not a destination.  It means different things to different people.  It takes time. It may mean getting rid of clutter or organizing personal belongings. The most important thing is to get clear on what sparks joy in you and let go of the rest.

Yes LivingAs a Yes Living Feng Shui Consultant, I help my clients say YES to what they most desire by keeping only what excites them and brings happiness. . By giving positive and mindful attention to our spaces and simplifying how we live in them, we create harmonious environments that affect our material comfort level, as well as our health, relationships and success.

So, say YES to yourself and let the journey begin!

  1. Declutter: Let the old go and let the new unfold!

dandelion blogWhat sparks joy in you right here and now?  Look around you. Feel into each item. This is an intuitive process, one that can easily be over-thought.  You will bump into the thought “I may need this someday” however if you have not used it within the last 2-3 months you probably won’t use it or need it again. (Let’s be real.)

To start, simple identify what you love, what makes you feel really good and make a list.  This can include but not limited to: big items, old kitchen appliances, toys the kids have outgrown, clothing, email subscriptions, moldy cheese in the fridge, gifts you never liked or pictures of old boyfriends, even relationships.

Who knows, some of this stuff may land in the home of someone who really loves it and actually uses it – so don’t be afraid.  Now is the time. Grab some bags and chuck what you don’t love. Once you let go, notice how you feel. Positive side effects may include: increased energy, creativity or a sense of relaxation.  So get ready!

When you have a minute, check out this little gem by Marie Kondo, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up. I recommend it to all of my clients. I was so inspired by her ideas that I’ve changed how I look at my own stuff and life. Keep only the things that spark joy and life will change in beautiful and surprising ways.

Tip:  If it doesn’t spark joy in you, let it go. And if you haven’t used it in 2-3 months, you probably never will. Let it go.

  1. Organize: Get it together and organize it!

Like most entrepreneurs, you have a million important things going on. Am I right? I thought so.  From kids to clients, there’s a lot to organize.  Some of the biggest challenges I have is my calendar and keeping up with receipts and mileage.  This quickly turns into panic around tax time, so I searched long and hard for ways to organize this part of my life. Here are a couple of time-tested tools that can simplify your life:

Appointment scheduling programs: Instead of hashing out dates and times through endless emails, check out what myself and other Hera Hub members are raving about:, and   Sign up, email a scheduling link to your clients and allow them to choose their appointment type, date and time.  This one simple step will allow you to focus your precious energy on connecting rather than scheduling.

Mileage and Receipt Apps:  Track your mileage and copy and categorize receipts – you will never loose another receipt, nor experience tax-time panic about miles and lunches you need to write-off!  Check out Shoeboxed and see if it works for you!  I also love MileIQ to track mileage. It’s so accurate and easy to use!

For physical items in your office or home, IKEA rocks!  As you’ve seen all around Hera Hub, IKEA is a go-to for easy, stylish and inexpensive storage options.  For home storage, I love decorative storage benches to hide toys, blankets, files, candles and occasionally, a bottle of wine. The Container Store is another favorite with every kind of box or basket you can imagine. If you’re in a small home space, there are brilliant hanging system for clothing. Hera Hub’s very own Frances Prado created a brilliant system for bra organization. Check it out here.

Your options are endless. Whatever you need to organize, there is something just perfect for you and your space.

Tip: Put it away. Choose storage options that have drawers, doors or baskets to hide your stuff.  It will feel better and look great!  And if organizing your stuff is too daunting hire a professional organizer.

  1. Energize: Love it. Thank it. Enjoy It.

sage bundlesSpace clearings are powerful in dispersing energetic residue from people, events and stuff.  I always offer space clearings for my clients who have decluttered and organized. This resets their space and allows new experiences and opportunities to take hold. You can do a simple space clearing yourself by opening all windows, let in natural light and play your favorite music.  Then burn sage, spray essential oils, or use singing bowls to clear out the old energy. Invest a few minutes clarifying your intention for your space and open your mind and heart to new, fresh and positive ideas and energy.

Tip: Treat your space is like a good friend. The more you support it, the more it supports you.  Love it. Thank it. Enjoy it.

There is no better Feng Shui than happiness. You deserve a space that brings you joy. So give yourself the gift of simplifying your life and say YES to only what you love, organize it and let the rest go!

Enjoy the journey.



Vanessa HeadshotVanessa Elle is the founder of Yes Living, and is a dynamic speaker and transformational leader. As an emcee, she energizes the room with her vibrant personality, dynamic stage presence, and her ability to connect with the audience and presenters.

As a transformational guide, she is the founder of The Inner Design Method: Interior Design for the Soul.  Her customized program helps her clients recognize the outdated and limiting aspects of their inner world in order to make room for possibilities and a fulfilled life. Identifying the fragmented pieces of emotions, thoughts, fears, insecurities, hopes, dreams, holdbacks, pushbacks, shame, guilt, self punishment (to name a few), she moves the seemingly unmoveable OUT, bringing resolution and eventually integration until her clients feel whole and ready to live the life they came to experience.


Want more information on Updating or Remodeling Your Inner Environment?  YES, PLEASE!